Our approach

The Play Way exists to offer parents, educators, and professionals expert knowledge and practical resources to confidently support child development.
"The human brain is a relational organ; it grows and develops in the context of relationships." Dr Bruce Perry, Psychiatrist.
This is why we focus on supporting the adults—parents, caregivers, and professionals—who shape children's lives.
By empowering them, we can create the greatest impact.

Our mission

To make play-based, evidence-backed child development knowledge and tools accessible to all families in a simple, practical, and fun way.

Our philosophy

Play is at the core of child development, supported by six foundations: movement, real food, love and connection, quality sleep, time in nature and free play.

Our Approach Banner

Our vision

To inspire and support grown-ups in raising happy, healthy, and confident kids—creating a ripple effect that benefits future generations.

Our Six Foundations

We believe that healthy child development health starts by going ‘back to the basics’ and focusing on the following six principles. They form the foundation of everything we do.
Quality Sleep

Understanding that children typically need significantly more sleep than adults, we address factors that impact children's sleep quality.

Real Food

Advocating for a return to basic, whole foods free from additives, we aim to educate parents about nutritional choices that support children's health.


Emphasising the importance of physical activity, we encourage daily movement as a critical component for children's development and learning.

Time in Nature

Highlighting the mental health benefits of outdoor play, we promote regular connection with nature for children's well-being.

Loving Connection

Recognising the need for emotional security, the approach prioritises fostering loving relationships between adults and children.

Time in Nature

Advocating for unstructured play to encourage creativity, problem-solving, and emotional resilience in children.

adult playing cooking tools with 2 kids

The Power of Play

We are biologically programmed to play. It’s essential for our
development, joy and fulfilment as a human being.

The research is clear on this - play is absolutely essential to child development.

It fosters cognitive, language, emotional and physical development alongside resilience, connection and regulation.

But it’s also key for caregivers. As Lawrence J Cohen explains, "Playful parenting builds strong, close bonds between parents and children."

Many of us weren’t taught to play as kids, so struggle to know where to begin with the kids we support.

For this reason, we offer ‘Ways to Play’ booklets and videos to accompany our tools. They offer ideas for continuing play and adapting it at different stages.

Play is how children learn, connect, express themselves and make sense of the world. Through play, everything else becomes possible.

play at core