Partner with us

If you share our vision for raising happy, healthy, and confident kids and positively impacting future generations, we’d love to hear from you!
kid playing with swing tire

How we can partner

Want to offer our tools, toys and training, and earn rewards for doing so? Want to collaborate and create something great together? Get in touch!
Stock our tools + toys

Are you a retailer wanting to access our tools and toys at a wholesale rate? Get in touch!

Professional partners

Are you an educator, child development pro or allied health pro who’d love a discount or commission? Get in touch!

Influencers + creators

Are you passionate about child development, with an audience who’d love what we offer? Get in touch!

Appear in our app

Are you an expert in child development, health or wellness? Want to feature in The Play Way app? Get in touch!

Express your interest, partner

Let us know how you‘d like to work together
(the more detail the better!)

Join our Facebook community

Want to access a community of professionals passionate about child development? From educators, to students, to clinicians and beyond, we’d love to have you.

Expect the early access to new releases, free downloadables, a community of support and so much more!